
The Ancestrally Rooted Business Summit

Get on-demand access to hours of inspirational content from 31+ Visionary Experts with our “Tu Magia” All-Access Pass & be inspired to grow your business with soulful purpose and profit.

    Grow your Ancestrally Rooted Visionary Business

    ...with soulful purpose and profit

    Reclaim the fullness of your soul’s calling with my intensive virtual summit and create an energetic shift for your business!

    Designed with conscious creatives and healers in mind who want to grow their business, “The Ancestrally Rooted Business Summit” provides the tools and support to help break away from lack of mindsets and truly embrace soul work.

    Develop or reclaim your powerful intuition, sacred medicina, and embrace your magic and powerful creations in your own well-being, life, comunidad, and businesses!

    Running a soul-led Ancestrally Rooted Visionary business is not about the glamorous Instagram highlight reels as many would have you believe.

    It’s about walking our talk as the Ancestors have taught us. It’s about rooting into our resilient ancestral gifts, growing our communities through our visionary soul!

    • You love what you do, but know there has to be a way to make it all easier, more effective, and profitable while harnessing the powers and guidance of our Ancestors.


    • You want to be an Industry Leader in the creative, healer, and conscious space and are tired of “faking it to make it.” The truth behind the “glam” is that you want the inspirational tools to thrive in big ways! 


    • Attract and retain new clients on easily…without wondering where the next one is coming from while aligning with your vision and authenticity.


    • Stand out and make the $$ you deserve…instead of feeling like you’re getting lost in the crowd. Abundance is yours!


    • Leverage your unique skill sets and unlock your magic to give clients an experience they will naturally share with friends!


    • Create an intuitive business that serves YOU… your clients, and future generations.


    • Use “Cosmic Health” to develop the resilience to deal with setbacks, challenges, and more while learning to view health and life challenges as a threshold to self-actualization.

    We are awakening at a faster rate, we’ve recognized ourselves as chain-breakers, innovators, and those of us previously hidden are now reclaiming and rising to be seen, to create change and begin a NEW visionary ancestral pattern of joy, health, liberation and abundance! We’re doing the work. It’s time to trust the sacred unfolding of our medicina!

    We’re breaking the chains and we are rising together as a sacred community!

    Soul rooted success can be ours like never before.

    The best part: It can be simple and done in a manner rooted in being of service while building generational wealth.

    The Ancestrally Rooted Business Summit Is About Just That...

    creating a space for creatives, healers, and conscious entrepreneurs to grow with purpose and profit, all while impacting future generations with an ancestrally rooted business.

    20 +
    Video Hours
    20 +
    Visionary Experts
    31 +
    Impactful Stories
    56 +

    Supporting YOU, to lead a profitable soul-led business, regardless of your business stage.

    All from the comfort of your home.

    Maybe you’re...

    • Frustrated because you know you’re undercharging and it’s time to make a shift and attract financial abundance
    • Feeling like you’re constantly behind and not making any real progress in your soul-led business
    • Working too hard to get new clients rather than bringing them in on autopilot.
    • Are looking for guidance from the cosmos or spirit guides as to where your business is headed

    Whatever it is for you, I am here for you! I am here to guide creatives, intuitives, healers, and entrepreneurs to break through fears and connect to their intuition's practical power so they can serve the world powerfully!

    Meet Your Host

    A trailblazer and healing activist in the spirituality and wellness space with more than 12,000 sessions & thousands of students worldwide, Vanessa is an acclaimed bilingual psychic medium, clinical hypnotherapist, astrologer, international intuition trainer, and soul business mentor. She is the founder of The School of the Healing Artes, supporting the next generation of Latinx and BIPOC healers and conscious leaders. A monthly advice columnist for HOLA! “Querida Brujita” and bi-monthly astrology writer for BELatina, she has been seen in SHAPE, Telemundo, Univision, iHEART radio, Primer Impacto, LATN, Refinery 29 and Hiplatina and many podcasts. Vanessa has an upcoming course with The SHIFT NETWORK, Ancestral Hypnosis Healing: A Journey through Transformation launching October 22nd and Joy and a Retreat to Peru: Lima, Cusco and Machu Pichu October 25-Nov 1.

    Vanessa’s program Intuitive Leverage™ ~ an 8-week intuition boot camp that gives structure to the invisible so you can make your sensitivity your greatest advantage in life & business, has more than a decade in the corporate space.

    Nacimos Magicas~ Born Magical™ : an 8 week Journey in Reclaiming Your Ancestral Gifts has supported the hundreds of empaths to decolonize their intuition and reclaim their powerful gifts.

    An Argentine American who started doing readings at 16, became a professional intuitive at 22, held New Moon and Full Moon healing circles for two decades in NYC, Vanessa is celebrating her TEN years online full-time and over 27 years in service to her comunidad. Her online school hold certification programs in intuition, Akashic Records, Usui Reiki and hypnosis. Vanessa is proud of her work as an empowerment facilitator for future young women leaders at the Bella Abzug Young Women’s Leadership Institute, creating innovative courses to support self-empowerment, inclusivity, and diversity. She is also Creatrix of the Biz Bruja Podcast.

    For fun, you can find Vanessa sharing animated stories with her husband, chilling with her fur babies cats, Zander and Che or playing one on the Harrisburg Improv Stage! Her team, Cosmic Trash makes light of pop spirituality and astrology.

    I created this virtual summit to help YOU! As a Teacher, Healer, and successful small business leader, I want to support the next generation of healers and leaders to succeed and thrive and fix the pieces of your business that aren’t working well so you can become more profitable, efficient, and soul-led.


    There are a lot of business-growth summits, training, and workshops out there. So what makes this one different?

    First, this is a bilingual virtual summit focused specifically on helping creatives, healers, and conscious entrepreneurs with their soul-led businesses.

    I created this summit to celebrate my TEN years full-time online! This virtual summit brings my business values, inspirations and proven practical business guidance that helped bring my first 6 figures in 2013! This IS NOT general advice. Each presentation is specialized for YOU, making it practical and inspirational!

    Just as importantly, I am creating space for our unique bilingual community. My goal IS NOT to provide new strategies and tasks that will leave you feeling overwhelmed. Instead, I am here to take what you’re already doing, shed light on ancestral patterns, support you in exploring your shadow and optimize your natural soul gifts/dones to make your business more fulfilling, impactful, profitable and inspire creatives, healers, and conscious entrepreneurs to grow with soulful purpose and profit.

    The Event Speakers


    Acharya Shunya

    Roaring Teacher & Author

    Ana Flores

    #WeAllGrow Latina

    Asha Frost

    Indigenous Healer

    Aycee Brown

    Spiritual Guide & Teacher

    Cynthia Santiago-Borbón

    Transformational Life Coach

    Diana Fernández

    Coach Espiritual

    don José Ruiz

    Allyless INC

    Esteban Madrigal

    Astrologia Millennial

    Eva Glamaris

    Curandera, Maestra & Visionary

    Georgina Juarez

    Mujer Magic, LLC

    Hasani Reyes

    MamaVida Wellness

    Heather Carlucci

    Psychic Medium and Medical Intuitive

    Ilona Pamplona

    The Postmodern Oracle

    Jasmin (Esoteric Esa) Alejandrez-Prasad

    Esoteric Esa™

    Jennifer Racioppi

    Cosmic Health & Business

    Jovanka Ciares

    Solana Wellness

    Juliet Diaz

    Bruja & Seer

    Julio Bevione

    Personal & Spiritual Growth Author

    June Kaewsith

    Motivational Speaker

    Kat Niambi

    The Hungry Medium

    Lateefah Flemming

    empowerFit Wellness LLC

    Laureen Mally

    Clair Witch

    Leonie Dawson

    Internationally best-selling author

    Leslie Priscilla

    Latinx Parenting

    Leslie Tagorda

    New Moon Creative, LLC

    Maria Brito

    Awaken with Maria

    Mark Silver

    Heart of Business

    Maya Shetreat, MD

    Neurologist, herbalist, and author

    Nisha Moodley

    Women's Leadership Coach

    Priscilla Stephan

    Soulfluent, LLC

    Sonali Fiske

    Leadership Consultant & Radio Talk Show Host

    Sora Schilling

    Devoted Way

    Thérèse Cator

    Embodied Black Girl

    Vanessa Villaverde

    The Sparrow Fund

    Vicky Vox

    Unified Rainbow

    Xavier Dagba

    Trauma Informed Life Coach

    Xochitl Ashe

    Plant Medicine Woman


    Is this only for creatives, healers, and conscious entrepreneurs?

    It sure is! There are a lot of offerings out there for general business owners. This virtual summit has been created specifically for those in a spiritual space and their unique soul-led ancestral rooted businesses.

    When is this virtual summit happening?

    You'll receive on-demand access.

    I still have questions!

    No problem! Shoot an email to my virtual event producer hello@powerhousediva.com, and they will get back to you within 3-5 business days.

    Are the presentations live?

    To avoid tech glitches, save my sanity, and keep things easy for the speakers, the presentations are pre-recorded and can be enjoyed on your own pace and at your own time.

    Are you still accepting speakers?

    All of our speakers for this summit have been hand-picked, and our slots are currently full. However, we're open to additional affiliates or potential speakers for next year's summit. If you're interested in affiliate details or being considered for this or other summits, email: hello@powerhousediva.com.

    Click the button below to move closer to growing your Ancestrally Rooted Visionary Business with purpose and profit!